Sunday, November 13, 2011

3 days until I leave!


This blog is for keeping my students and community up to date on my adventures in Costa Rica.

I am super excited to travel to Costa Rica with the Toyota International Teachers Program! We're going to be learning about sustainability and conservation first hand in a country that is a leader in this area.

Students, please post anonymously, but sign off with your initials and period. I will approve your post before it appears. All my students get homework points for asking a question, answering a question or for posting an insightful comment at least once. 


  1. How long will you be gone for?

    EJS all periods

  2. By the way... It'd be nice I'd you could have a little caption under the pictures saying what's in the picture and where you were in the Costa Rica
    Period 2 JA

  3. That flower looks huge! Are there anything certain things that eat it?

    -KN 8th period

  4. I know it may be hard to tell, but are there any specific keystone species in the habitat you're investigating?

    ~SMH, p5

  5. Have you seen any cool giant leafs or anything? Also, what is the biggest plant that you have seen? I bet there's lots of awesome vegetation because of all of the biodiversity! :) Hope you're having a blast!

    ~SB, period 1

  6. NOW a fluffy plant. To be honest it looks good enough to eat. Is it eatable?
    -SS period 6

  7. how big is that flower? and what is it called. i want one. and is it rare? does it grow in the US?

    AL P.8
